A new vision
Colour is Everything
Black and white is More.
An old story woven in new form
Old is New
Let’s talk Monochrome
The collection is inspired by the old story portrayed in new form. As coal changes its colours as it us burnt, a black and white depiction of craft to recreate the
beauty. Always there is old in new. Something in us, something in everyone. The collection is handcrafted from waste textile and jute threads interwoven to
celebrate me.
Our society is interwoven in different crafts and cultures. The Terra Co.
aims at creating a new and beautiful India. It is an initiative
to uplift the society and create employment for Women of India.
Our products are handcrafted b women artisans and specially
abled society of India.
What I stand on, is what I stand for. As we use resources of nature it is our
responsibility to give it back. We aim at giving back to our Mother
Earth in whatever way we can. In India, more than 1 million tonnes
of textiles are thrown away every year, with most of this coming from
household sources, according to the Indian Textile Journal. Textile
waste is also the third-largest source of municipal solid waste in India.
We recycle, reuse and recreate a new story for our Earth.
We have recycled 10,000 kg of waste till date.
Handcrafted by The Terra Co.